
Vincatech1 is an IT consulting firm for small to
mid-sized businesses with special expertise in the operations and IT requirements of lawyers, doctors and financial service providers. Our goal is to form lasting partnerships with our clients.

Legal IT

Legal IT

We provide unparalleled technical consulting, network support and other IT services for law firms of all sizes. Our goal is to relieve you from the hassle of IT support, so you can concentrate on running your firm. Vincatech1 offers various levels of support for law firm technology ranging from help desk services to Office 365 migrations and other IT projects.
Our team is adept at helping attorneys understand best practices for protecting sensitive client data throughout the firm.

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Legal IT
Healthcare Healthcare


With the healthcare industry in a constant state of change and the threat landscape rapidly escalating, HIPPA covered entities and their business associates must progress beyond compliance requirements. Advanced security technologies and risk management practices must be implemented.

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Financial services

Financial services

The financial services was built upon security and privacy. As cyber attacks become more sophisticated, a strong vault won’t offer protection against phishing, third-party risk, and IT infrastructure breaches. Our engineers work with financial institutions’ to develop scalable programs that improve their security posture.

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Financial services
The Federal Government The Federal Government

The Federal Government

Federal agencies often process vast amount of data and sensitive personal information. The agencies work in numerous buildings, with networks comprising thousands of switches and servers. Our experienced engineers work effectively and efficiently to prevent from hacking.

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Small and Medium Business

Small and
Medium Business

Today’s cyber attacks are increasingly targeting individuals through email and not infrastructure. Over 90% of all cyber threats start with an email that uses social engineering, relying on users to click a malicious link or run a malicious code. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are attacked with these types of threats, but they lack the IT personnel and budget to have the enterprise-class security posture to stop them. Our expert team provides you with an enetrprise-class security and compliance solution.

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Small and Medium Business